Thursday, December 31, 2009

Many Happy New year to the blog readers

.............)............Happy New Year 2010
(............MAY God Fulfill
.............) \...........Your All Dreamss

Love Email : What is love ?







Innovative way to say happy new year : Funny forwarded email

    Wish you a Happy New year......... 2010
Copy this onto notepad, press cntrl + H, press 6 in find box and underscore_ ,in replace box and click replace all button. U will get thrilled.

 6666666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 6666666666666666 666666666666
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Predict Yourself : Too good - Forwarded Email ...

You have to answer quickly as the first
answer that comes to mind is the one to take.

Ready? GO!

1. Which is your favourite animal amongst these 3?
a. cat
b. bird
c. dog

2. What's your favourite colour?
a. pink
b. white

3. The name of a person of the same sex.
4. The name of a person of the opposite sex.
5. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?
6. Do you prefer sunrise or sundown?
7. Your preferred number between 1 to 10.

8. Your favourite plant is:
a. red rose
b. fern
c. dead plant

9. Your favourite season is:
a. spring
b. winter

10. Now make 2 wishes.....

a. cat:? you love yourself more than anything
b. bird:? you love to hear yourself talk
c. dog:? you let others come first.

a. pink:? you are an extrovert
b. white:? you are a classic
c. black :? you live on a tight rope

3. The name is your good luck charm
4. You become very, very close to this person

a. Mountains : a marriage that has everything
b. Beach:? a very calm marriage

a. Sunrise:? you are a morning person and you do alot of things
b. Sundown:? you are a romantic & you change partners quite happily

7. The number that you chose is the number of months it will take you to meet the love of your life

a. Red rose :? a good life, but sometimes thorny
b. Fern :? a predictable and sure life
c. Dead plant:? you are sick!!

a. Spring:? you're a romantic
b. winter:? you're a sweet talker
c. summer:? you have a bit of everyone in you.
How it was... You liked it? Please do not forget to rate this blog.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nice forwarded email : Which Baby you are....

---------------JANUARY BABY--------------------
Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored.
Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to
Recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth.
Stubborn. Repost this in 5 mins and you will meet
Someone new in 8 days that will perfectly balance
Your personality.


----------FEBRUARY BABY --------------------
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract.
Intelligent and clever. Changing personality.
Attractive. Sexiest out of everyone.
Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest
And loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves
Freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves Aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt.
Gets angry really easily but does not show it.
Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends
But rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn.
Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp.
Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the Inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous.
Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
Repost this in 5 mins and you will talk to someone
New and realize that you are a perfect match.


-----------------MARCH BABY --------------------
Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate Shy and Reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous
And sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity.
Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered.
Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness.
Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up Feelings. Observant and assesses others. If you
Repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your
New love in 8 days.


------------------APRIL BABY -------------------
Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous.
Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and
Sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does
Work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.
Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good Memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look For information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or
Make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and
Others. Understanding. Fun to be around.
Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive.
Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and Traveling. Systematic. Hot but has brains. If you
Repost this in 5 mins, a Cutie that's caught your eye
Will introduce themselves and you will realize that
You are very much alike in the next 2 day s.


-----------------MAY BABY -----------------
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and Highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered.
Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings.
Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint.
Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex.
Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to Dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding.
Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good Imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves
Literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike
Being at home. Restless. Not having many children.
Hardworking. High spirited. If you repost this in the
Next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone
You do not speak too much in the next 4 days.


------------JUNE BABY -------------
You've got the best personality and are an Absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make New friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt
And more than likely have an a very attractive
Partner. A wicked hottie. It is also more than likely
That you have a massive record collection. You
Have a great choice in films, and may one day
Become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck,
You've got the looks for it!!! IN the next 6 days you
Will meet someone that may possibly become
One of your closest friends, if you repost this in 5 minutes.


----------------JULY BABY --------------
Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to Be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily
Consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's Feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable.
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
Easily hurt. Witty and sparkly.
Spazzy at times.
Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.
Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive
And forms impressions carefully. Caring and Loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of
Sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people
Through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties In studying. Loves to be with friends Always broods
About the past and the old friends. Waits for Friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive Unless provoked.
Loves to be loved. Easily hurt
But takes long to recover. Repost this in the next 5
mins and your reputation will boost someway in the next 12 days


------------AUGUST BABY ---------------
Outgoing personality. Takes risks. Feeds on attention. No self control. Kind hearted. self
confident. Loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful.
Easy to get along with and talk to. has an 'every
thing's peachy' attitude. Likes talking and singing.
Loves music. Daydreamer. Easily distracted. Hates
not being trusted. BIG imagination. Loves to be loved. Hates studying. In need of 'that someone'.
Longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or
Restricted. Lives by 'no pain no gain' caring.
Always a suspect. Playful. Mysterious. 'Charming'
or 'beautiful' to everyone. Stubborn. Curious.
Independent. Strong willed. A fighter. repost in 5
mins and you will meet the love of your life
Sometime next month.


------------SEPTEMBER BABY ---------------
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends
to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic.
Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.
Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and
caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have
many friends. Enjoys making love. Emotional.
Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates
oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore.
Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can
understand. if you do not repost this in the next 5
mins, someone very close to you will become mad
At you in the next 8 days.


---------------OCTOBER BABY -------------------
Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves
to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry
often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and
fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but
recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does
not care to control emotions. Unpredictable.
Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND
sexiest of them all. repost this in 5 mins or you will
not meet the love of your life for 10 years.


---------------NOVEMBER BABY --------------------
Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and
dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun.
Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards
your inner and outer beauty and independent
personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional
and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people
easily and very social in a group. Fearless and
independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a
crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the
greatest men are born in this month. If you ever
begin a relationship with someone from this month,
hold on to them because their one of a kind.


---------------DECEMBER BABY ---------------
This straight-up means your the most good-looking
person possible... better than all of these other
months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive
in everything. Active in games and interactions.
Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in
organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to,
though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision,
yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by
kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of
ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to
delay. Choosy and always wants the e best t.
Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to
joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone
always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.
Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding.
Able to show character. One guy/girl kind of
person . Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting
colds. loves music.  

Very emotional heart-breaking hindi poem : Koi khash nahi

कोई ख़ास नहीं ....

कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं ,
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं .
एक दोस्त है कच्चा पक्का सा ,
एक झूठ है आधा सच्चा सा .
जज़्बात को ढके एक पर्दा बस ,
एक बहाना है अच्छा अच्छा सा .
जीवन का एक ऐसा साथी है ,
जो दूर हो के पास नहीं .
कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं ,
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं .
हवा का एक सुहाना झोंका है ,
कभी नाज़ुक तो कभी तुफानो सा .
शक्ल देख कर जो नज़रें झुका ले ,
कभी अपना तो कभी बेगानों सा .
जिंदगी का एक ऐसा हमसफ़र ,
जो समंदर है , पर दिल को प्यास नहीं .
कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं ,
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं .
एक साथी जो अनकही कुछ बातें कह जाता है ,
यादों में जिसका एक धुंधला चेहरा रह जाता है .
यूँ तो उसके न होने का कुछ गम नहीं ,
पर कभी - कभी आँखों से आंसू बन के बह जाता है .
यूँ रहता तो मेरे तसव्वुर में है ,
पर इन आँखों को उसकी तलाश नहीं .
कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं ,
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं

Very emotional love story : Must read

A love Story...

Ek ladki rozana burke main collage jati thi....
Ek ladka us ladki ko behad pyar karta tha..
Ladka rozana us ladki ko raste main jate hua cheda karta tha....
ladka ladki se kehta......E parda nashi ...parda hata aur apne husn ka jalwa
Ladki uski baat ko sunti aur chupchap chali jati...
Ek din ladke ne raste me ladki ka haath pakadkar kaha...
Jaan ,janemaan, janejigar, jane tamanna..
agar tumne kal meri mohabbat ko kabul nahi kiya to main apni jaan de dunga.
Ladki muskurakar chali gayi..
Ladki 3 - 4 din tak collage nahi gayi
Bad main ladki ko pata chala ki ladke ne such me khudkhushi kar li hai..
Ladki roti huyi ladke ki KABR par gayi or apna nakab khol kar boli..
A mere gumnam aashiq dekh teri mehbooba aayi hai ji bhar ke uska didar kar le..
Tabhi KABR main se aawaz aati hai..
A khuda ye teri kaisi khudai hai,Aaj hum parde me hain aur wo benakab aayi hai 

Very lovely hindi poem : सच्ची दोस्ती : True friendship

सच्ची दोस्ती 

दोस्ती सच्ची हो तो वक़्त रूक जाता है
आसमा लाख ऊंचा ही मगर झुक जाता है
दोस्ती में दुनिया लाख बने रूकावट
अगर दोस्त सच्चा तो खुदा भी झुक जाता है.

दोस्ती वो एहसास है जो मिटता नहीं
दोस्ती वो पर्वत है जो झुकता नहीं
इसकी कीमत क्या पूछो हमसे
ये वो अनमोल मोती है जो बिकता नहीं

सच्ची है दोस्ती आजमा के देखो
करके यकीन मुझपे मेरे पास आके देखो
बदलता नहीं कभी सोना अपना रंग कभी
चाहे जितनी बार आग में जला कर के देखो

दर्द जितना सहा जाये उतना ही सहना
दिल जो लग जाये वो बात न कहना
मिलते है हमारे जैसे दोस्त बहुत कम इसलिये
कभी न GOOD BYE मत कहना दोस्ती सच्ची हो तो वक़्त रूक जाता है
आसमा लाख ऊंचा ही मगर झुक जाता है
दोस्ती में दुनिया लाख बने रूकावट
अगर दोस्त सच्चा तो खुदा भी झुक जाता है.

दोस्ती वो एहसास है जो मिटता नहीं
दोस्ती वो पर्वत है जो झुकता नहीं
इसकी कीमत क्या पूछो हमसे
ये वो अनमोल मोती है जो बिकता नहीं

Lovely forwarded Email : A nice rose...

A dear friend
.......................@ .....


Nice Love Poem : Forwarded email - Love Is A Matter Of Distance

Love Is A Matter Of Distance

Love is a matter of difference
Between you and me
Love is a matter of distance
That you are too far away

Love is a matter of growing
And knowing true feelings
Love is a matter of showing
That you are so far away

When my heart is open
My mind is opening to find
I can't let you stay
The love is a matter of difference
You are too far away

Love is a matter of input,
Outlook, deep inside
Love is to know you're on my side
That you are so far away

[Chorus x2]

If love is a matter of distance
You are too far away

Nice Hindi love poem : कोई ये कैसे बताये कि वो तनहा क्यों है

कोई ये कैसे बताये कि वो तनहा क्यों है

कोई ये कैसे बताये कि वो तनहा क्यों है .................

वो जो अपना था वही और किसी का क्यों है ...........

यही दुनिया है तो फिर ऐसी दुनिया क्यों है ........

यही होता है तो आखिर यही होता क्यों है ........

कोई ये कैसे बताये कि वो तनहा क्यों है.......

एक जरा हाथ बढा दे तो पकड़ लें दामन .....

उसके सीने में समां जाये हमारी धड़कन ........

इतनी कुर्बत है तो फिर ... फासला इतना क्यों है ............

कोई ये कैसे बताये कि वो तनहा क्यों है.....
दिल - इ - बर्बाद से निकला नहीं आब तक कोई ......

एक लुटे घर पर दिया करता नहीं दस्तक कोई .............

आस जो टूट गयी ............ फिर से बंधता क्यों है ........

कोई ये कैसे बताये कि वो तनहा क्यों है .........
तुम हसरत का कहो या इसे गम का रिश्ता ...........

कहते हैं प्यार का रिश्ता है जनम का रिश्ता ........

है जनम का ये रिश्ता तो ये बदलता क्यों है .............

कोई ये कैसे बताये कि वो तनहा क्यों है ..........

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thoughtful forwarded email: speech by chetan bhagat at symbiosis

Speech by Chetan Bhagat at Symbiosis ...must read...

Don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order.
There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup. There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not enjoyable if your mind is full of tensions.
"Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same is with life where health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive, will start to die. ……………….
One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? …………….
It's ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof up a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights with your spouse. We are people, not programmed devices........." :)

"Don't be serious, be sincere."!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Very emotional : What is a true love… : Forwarded email

What is a true love…


One night a girl and a boy were sitting in a car.


There was a complete silence.


Both of them stayed quiet for long.


Then the girl gave him a chit of paper, and the boy before reading it told the girl (with embarrassing expression) that he wants to leave her.


Then suddenly an over-speeding car collided with their car. The girl died and the boy somehow survived and when he opened the chit (which was in his pocket),


he dropped a tear bcoz the girl had written only 1 line on it which was ::



”If you'll leave me i'll die”..


If you love someone, live with him/her forever; because nothing is as precious as a true love…

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Serious Forwarded email on health issue : Lesson from the death of Ranjan Das, CEO, SAP India

 Ranjan Das Passed Away on Wednesday, 21-October-2009


SAP India CEO Ranjan Das Dies After Gym Workout 
Ranjan Das, CEO and MD of SAP Indian subcontinent
died after a massive cardiac arrest in Mumbai on Wednesday.
One of the youngest CEOs, he was 42

Carried : Wednesday, 11-November-2009

What killed Ranjan Das and Lessons for Corporate India

A month ago, many of us heard about the sad demise of Ranjan Das from Bandra, Mumbai. Ranjan, just 42 years of age, was the CEO of SAP-Indian Subcontinent, the youngest CEO of an MNC in India. He was very active in sports, was a fitness freak and a marathon runner. It was common to see him run on Bandra's Carter Road. Just after Diwali, on 21st Oct, he returned home from his gym after a workout, collapsed with a massive heart attack and died. He is survived by his wife and two very young kids.

It was certainly a wake-up call for corporate India. However, it was even more disastrous for runners amongst us. Since Ranjan was an avid marathoner ( in Feb 09, he ran Chennai Marathon at the same time some of us were running Pondicherry Marathon 180 km away ), the question came as to why an exceptionally active, athletic person succumb to heart attack at 42 years of age.

Was it the stress?

A couple of you called me asking about the reasons. While Ranjan had mentioned that he faced a lot of stress, which is a common element in most of our lives. We used to think that by being fit, one can conquer the bad effects of stress. So I doubted if the cause was stress.

The Real Reason

However, everyone missed out a small line in the reports that Ranjan used to make do with 4-5 hours of sleep. This is an earlier interview of Ranjan on NDTV in the program 'Boss' Day Out': Boss' Day Out: Ranjan Das of SAP India.

Here he himself admits that he would love to get more sleep (and that he was not proud of his ability to manage without sleep, contrary to what others extolled).

The Evidence

Last week, I was working with a well-known cardiologist on the subject of ‘Heart Disease caused by Lack of Sleep’. While I cannot share the video or the slides because of confidentiality reasons, I have distilled the key points below in the hope it will save some of our lives.

Some Excerpts:

· Short sleep duration (<5 or 5-6 hours) increased risk for high BP by 350% to 500% compared to those who slept longer than 6 hours per night. Paper published in 2009. As you know, high BP kills.

· Young people (25-49 years of age) are twice as likely to get high BP if they sleep less. Paper published in 2006.

· Individuals who slept less than 5 hours a night had a 3-fold increased risk of heart attacks. Paper published in 1999.

· Complete and partial lack of sleep increased the blood concentrations of High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-cRP), the strongest predictor of heart attacks. Even after getting adequate sleep later, the levels stayed high!!

· Just one night of sleep loss increases very toxic substances in body such as Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-alpha) and C-reactive protein (cRP). They increase risks of many medical conditions, including cancer, arthritis and heart disease. Paper published in 2004.

· Sleeping for <=5 hours per night leads to 39% increase in heart disease. Sleeping for <=6 hours per night leads to 18% increase in heart disease. Paper published in 2006.

Ideal Sleep

n brief, sleep is composed of two stages: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM. The former helps in mental consolidation while the latter helps in physical repair and rebuilding. During the night, you alternate between REM and non-REM stages 4-5 times.

The earlier part of sleep is mostly non-REM. During that period, your pituitary gland releases growth hormones that repair your body. The latter part of sleep is more and more REM type.

For you to be mentally alert during the day, the latter part of sleep is more important. No wonder when you wake up with an alarm clock after 5-6 hours of sleep, you are mentally irritable throughout the day (lack of REM sleep). And if you have slept for less than 5 hours, your body is in a complete physical mess ( lack of non-REM sleep ), you are tired throughout the day, moving like a zombie and your immunity is way down ( I’ve been there, done that ).

Finally, as long-distance runners, you need an hour of extra sleep to repair the running related damage.

If you want to know if you are getting adequate sleep, take Epworth Sleepiness Test below.

Interpretation: Score of 0-9 is considered normal while 10 and above abnormal. Many a times, I have clocked 21 out the maximum possible 24, the only saving grace being the last situation, since I don’t like to drive ( maybe, I should ask my driver to answer that line ).

In conclusion:

Barring stress control, Ranjan Das did everything right: eating proper food, exercising (marathoning!), maintaining proper weight. But he missed getting proper and adequate sleep, minimum 7 hours. In my opinion, that killed him.
If you are not getting enough sleep (7 hours), you are playing with fire, even if you have low stress.

I always took pride in my ability to work 50 hours at a stretch whenever the situation warranted. But I was so spooked after seeing the scientific evidence last week that since Saturday night, I ensure I do not even set the alarm clock under 7 hours. Now, that is a nice excuse to get some more sleep.

Unfortunately, Ranjan Das is not alone when it comes to missing sleep. Many of us are doing exactly the same, perhaps out of ignorance. Please forward this mail/article to as many of your colleagues/friends as possible, especially those who might be short-changing their sleep. If we can save even one young life because of this email, I would be the happiest person on earth







Mast forwarded Email : Kuch dil se - Project effort estimation salary increment achievement

कुछ दिल से


दरिया  जितना Project

नदिया जितना Effort

बाल्टी जितना Estimation

डब्बे जितनी Salary

बूँद जितना Increment

तो क्या ख़ाक होगा



Funny Forwarded Email : Boss vs Employee

Boss vs Employee



अर्ज़ किया है .........
ऑफिस में काम होते हैं...
गलतियों का समां होता हा ....
ऐसे मौसम में ही तो PERFORMANCE जवां होता है ....
दिल की खुन्नस बॉस जबान से नहीं कहते ...
ये फ़साना तो appraisal में बयां होता है ....


एम्प्लोयी ...  

 अर्ज़ किया है .........
होते हैं ...
Disappointment का समां होता है ...
ऐसे मौसम में ही तो Attrition जवां होता है ....
दिल की खुन्नस हम जबाँ से नहीं कहते ...
ये फ़साना तो resignation से बयां होता है ....

(वाह वाह वाह वाह वाह.......)  


Monday, November 30, 2009

Funny Forwarded email : Johny Johny Yes Papa Reloaded

Johny Johny Reloaded

Johny Johny
Yes Papa
Private Company
Yes Papa
Any Motivation
No Papa
Many Tension
Yes Papa
Do u Sleep well
No Papa
Onsite Opportunity
No papa
Any chance of Promotion
No Papa

Ha ha ha ……………………………………………………:)

Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly. : Inspiration email

Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly

The nest of young eagles hung on to every word as the Master Eagle described his exploits. This was an important day for the eaglets. They were preparing for their first solo flight from the nest. It was the confidence builder many of them needed to fulfill their destiny.

"How far can I travel?" asked one of the eaglets. "How far can you see?" responded the Master Eagle.

"How high can I fly?" quizzed the young eaglet. "How far can you stretch your wings?" asked the old eagle.

"How long can I fly?" the eaglet persisted. "How far is the horizon?" the mentor rebounded.

"How much can I achieve?" the young eagle continued. "How much can you believe?" the old eagle challenged.

Frustrated by the banter, the young eagle demanded, "Why don't you answer my questions?"

"I did."

"Yes. But you answered them with questions."

"I answered them the best I could."

"But you're the Master Eagle. You're supposed to know everything. If you can't answer these questions, who can?"

"You." The old wise eagle reassured. "Me? How?" the young eagle was confused.

"No one can tell you how high to fly or how much to dream. It's different for each eagle. Only God and you know how far you'll go. No one on this earth knows your potential or what's in your heart. You alone will answer that. The only thing that limits you is the edge of your imagination."

The young eagle, puzzled by this asked, "What should I do?"

"Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly."